Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Raise your child in a Co-Education School!

When parents make their choice for the right school they consider a lot of information like student and teacher ratio, infrastructure etc. Parents have to make their choice on an extra point, i.e. whether to send their daughter to a co-ed school or a girl’s only school. There have been so many debates on this topic from a long while. The right choice can be made by finding out what thought of subject resonates with you. So, here we have a few reasons that can be considered if you have decided to raise your child in a co-education scenario.
Change in Perspective!
Men and Women have their own perspective at different levels of life. This is an important dimension that a single-sex school cannot offer.  The students are able to see through the other side of the discussion and evaluate many other issues. It is an evident where the schools encourage group discussions.
True reflection of a Society!
A society has both men and women with their varied opinions on every situation. Co-education schools are a true reflection of societal matters. Children raised in a co-ed school tend to have a natural approach towards working. Reason being, they have explored and dealt with people with different views and choices.  
Comparatively, the girls that are raised in a single-sex school are more hesitant in expressing their views. On the other hand, boys could be unnecessarily too shy or aggressive.
Until recently, a research from North America has discussed about the challenges faced by girls and further researched, 90% of those girls completed their education from single-sex schools.  Many of them were daunted during their adolescence. When put to have a few discussions with the boys of same age, their voice were lost; they also missed developing logics and reasoning along with the leadership skills.
Unnecessary Expressions!
 Students raised in single-sex schools tend to behave unnecessarily weird. When a male and female are not exposed to each other, they tend to overreact on the idea of interacting. A girl, who simply asks the way to the metro, becomes the gossip of the day at boys’ school. Such behavior is reduced to an extent at co-education schools; these conversations are regular at the schools.  
Presidium is one such public school in Gurgaon that offers an equal platform to the students to explore. Students at Presidium are taught to respect both men and women.
Social Behavior and Etiquettes!
When the students are educated together, they learn social etiquettes in a better way and they don’t feel awkward, when together. They understand the need to approach each other in a behaved manner. At the best high schools in Gurgaon, they learn the right ways to approach by talking to them decently, offering apologies, acknowledging favors and making requests. This behavior of students came up because of their confidence. This also helps them doing well at their social interaction with each other.  
Gender Stereotypes!
When both male and female students learn and grow together, they understand that the people from either gender can do equally well. Students develop a healthy attitude and respect towards each other. This breaks the notions of many people who think what men and women can or cannot do.    
Education is important for every child; it is not just from books but it teaches an individual to be a responsible person who must know how to behave with the opposite sex, how to talk to them or deal with them. This is the basic education that must be taught in schools. So, when you look for a best school in Gurgaon, do not forget to visit Presidium, a best co-education school.  

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