Thursday, December 28, 2017

Good Handwriting Skill Leads to Good Grades – A Study

Handwriting, who works on that anymore? Well, turns out with the onset of exponential use of computers, iPads, and programs like MS Word, working on improving your handwriting skill is passé. However, new researchers have discovered that there are correlations between good handwriting and good grades. Teachers from top schools in Delhi, always emphasize on handwriting improvement lessons and classes. There is a list of schools in Delhi where special classes are conducted to improve students’ handwriting skills that apparently leads to higher grades and better overall performance of the child.

A principal of one of the top schools in Delhi, shared the study that was lead by Laura Dinehart, a professor at Florida International University. The professor claimed that handwriting really matters in the overall performance of the child in academics. The study showed that children who had strong handwriting skills are more likely to achieve excellence academically in elementary school. Dinehart concluded that handwriting is often given less priority than other subjects and it seems deemed important when compared to other subjects.

 As a trend in recent years, we have seen that top schools in Delhi and other metropolitan cities in India shows a keen interest in other subjects, such as mathematics, science, English, grammar, arithmetic, etc. Unlike previous decades, there is a steep decline in interest of teachers in developing writing skills of students. Ironically, they are not responsible for this lack of interests. Modern technology has an important role to play these days and modern workplaces are going paperless, rest assured, and no place for manual writing work anymore. When, as a contrary, educationists, academicians, and scientists claim that students who have greater ease in handwriting are sure to perform better in academic skills, like reading and math.

So how the findings are conducted?

Professor Dinehart worked on 1000 students, studying in 2nd grade in Miami-Dade County Public schools and observed the gathered data while linking their scores back to where they started in pre-kindergarden. It was observed by veteran teachers and Principals of top schools in Delhi, that those students who received good grades in writing, which is considered as fine motor skills, in pre-K has an average GPA of 2.84 in reading and 3.02 in math – B average, as per FIU. The students who did not secure good scores on fine motor writing tasks in Pre-K secured average GPA of 2.12 in reading and 2.30 in math – C as an average.

Also, it has been observed by tenured professionals in that list of schools in Delhi, showed that students who did well on fine motor writing jobs in pre-K scored in the 59th percentile on the reading SAT in second-grade and in the 62nd percentile on Math SAT. Additionally, the observations showed that students performed poorly in fine motor tasks in pre-K scored in the 38th percentile on the reading SAT and 37nd percentile only on the Math SAT.

However, professionals and teachers in top schools in Delhi, recommends that there is still much research required to be performed and hidden truths and facts needed to be discovered.   

All this brings us to the conclusion that teachers and parents need to include developing handwriting skills again in the core curriculum and perceive it to be as important as it was before the inception of the new digital era.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Top 5 Preparation Tips For Exam Success This Year

Anxiety and fear of exams are the usual phenomena that are instigated in the hearts of students. From ages, this unknown fear of examinations is ruining the lives and passion for learning in students. The simple solution to overcome exam anxiety is to prepare in advance and with the right approach, says a veteran teacher in one of the schools in Gurugram. Even the most prepared ones get over anxious which can have catastrophic consequences in the exam hall. However, preparation has no substitute when it comes to doing well in exams, explained by many senior teachers in public schools in Gurgaon. Apart from learning and grasping the concepts, proper approach and confidence-building measures need to be taken. Let us find out few of the essential preparation tips that will make you get good marks and reduce your exam anxiety.


Postponing things and procrastination could be fatal at the end of the term. You should plan and strategize your study time and recreational time from the beginning of the year. Be smart and save the last minute glitches and achieve your goals on regular basis, so that you are not stressed at the end of the term. Studying insanely the last minute will do no good, say veteran teachers in good public schools in Gurgaon.


We all have unique ways to learn and study. You should figure out on your own what ways suit you the best. It is okay if you can’t wake-up early or focus better in the night. Whatever works for your friends may not work for you. There is no wrong way of studying; just different ways to study, so go find which one is better for you before it’s too late says many experienced teachers of schools in Gurgaon.


Writing is an age-old technique to retain concepts and formulas, which still comes very handy. It is a tried, tested and proven technique for better results says veteran PGTs of public schools in Gurgaon, Delhi, Mumbai and many other metropolitan cities in India. Writing is a very good habit for better retention; it acts as a mock test and shows you where you lack in the long run.


Practice in advance and take a lot of tests in smaller topics, slowly move towards entire units and then the entire syllabus. Begin with practicing taking tests of single chapters as you complete studying for it. Class tests, peers tests and there are many online tests these days to assist you in your endeavor these days. Many alumni in top public schools in Gurgaon swear by this method of preparation.


Eating and a healthy lifestyle are mandatory for students. Not only it sharpens your brains and gives your body boost to support your learning, but also it imparts discipline in the long run. Eat right, such as eating whole grains and oily fishes and veggies shall sharpen your brain. Exercise regularly and sleep aptly for 8 hours. Hard work is appreciable; however, exercising and healthy living improves your retention and enhances your brain capacity. 
Try to relax before the D-day and remind yourself that you have already planned and prepared the best way you may have. There is no reason that you should be worried, be inquisitive to test yourself and remember that no exam is final and you always get a second chance!

All the best!

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Help Your Child Manage Stress

Stress and anxiety is a common issue for both adults and children these days. Thanks to the pressures of the modern lifestyle, all of us give out loud cries of distress, in which children are no exceptions. But how often do we realize that our child may also be under stress and do something about it? First, let us understand what stress is after all. Stress is nothing but additional pressure that we take for material things such as - meeting the deadlines, policies, norms, realize ambitions, to perform, to survive, not that it is shallow but with changing times, things are getting complicated with each passing day, explains a Principal of a top school from a list of schools in Delhi.

We need to understand that pressure or strain may end-up causing adverse physical, psychological, and emotional effects on our children. Hence, it is important to help them manage stress as much as it is important to manage stress in our lives as adults, advice a child psychologist at the best school from the list of top 10 schools in DelhiStress management has become all the more important for the children of today’s generation. To begin with we need to understand the stress factors and the outcomes of their stress.

Let us find few interesting tips to help your child manage stress:


The first thing is to identify the reason in order to win the battle against stress. Recognize the triggers that cause stress symptoms in your child life. Make them realize that they are stressing over those issues and would have to work together in order to mitigate stress, identify one of the most tenured faculty from one of the schools from the list of top 10 schools in Delhi.

 Realistic goals:

We tend to get over critical when we do not accomplish our goals and aims in life. It may be one of the triggers also that often is the reason for causing stress. Set realistic goals for your children and teach them to be realistic about their skills and capabilities, as irrational aspirations and ambitions hinder confidence and performance later, says a senior child psychologist at one of the schools from list of schools in Delhi.


Proper scheduling of all the studies and extra physical activities and management of hobby classes certainly take them a long way to reduce last minutes hiccups and stress. Overloading the child with everything is not lucrative; you need to help them manage their timetable in a healthy yet constructive way in which they can perform to their full potential. 

Plan in advance and appropriately

Healthy lifestyle:

It is mandatory to ensure that they follow a healthy lifestyle. They need to follow regular sleeping hours, exercise every day, and eat healthy food. A properly well-balanced routine is a must for keeping them fresh during the day to perform other activities and make use of every minute. Man is a social animal. We all need friends and well-wishers to feel good. Teach your child to make friends and interact with people more and mingle with peers. It is the best thing to de-stress. When your child performs group activities and has playmates to play outdoors with they tend to build a solid emotional foundation, says a child psychologist from the list of top 10 schools in Delhi.

Parents play a major role in managing stress in children’s lives as we are the one who schedule their time and how they spend their day, what they eat, what they do, whom they play with and more. So, make sure you use the above-mentioned tips to overcome their stress and make them confident and positive adults.

All the best!

Friday, December 15, 2017

5 Tips to Make Your Children Complete Their Homework

Upon spending a majority of their day at school, our children, like most others, detest the sight of books and feel being persecuted when we ask them to do their homework. It happens with almost all children. It is indeed an uphill task for parents to make them sit and complete their homework. From turning a deaf ear to your words to arguing and pleading and playing tricks on you, they try every trick for escaping it, says a senior teacher at one of the  schools in Dwarka. Finally, we end up exploding when our patience level rises. The things seem to be sorted for the day but then again the next day the process starts all over again.
To your rescue, and make your child do his/her homework without taking the other escape routes, let us see few tips, as explains by child experts and consultants of some of the best senior secondary schools in Dwarka:

1.       Rename:

Rename ‘homework’ to ‘study-time'.Once your child gets the idea that homework is not only a task to complete at home, but it is the time that is given for self-study and required for excelling in academics, your child may start valuing study time at home. Start using words like study-time, study timetable, study area to encourage them to study at home, advice a senior faculty at one of the best schools in Dwarka, Delhi. This will further explain to them that study time at home is not to get over with the homework assignments instead, it is about learning, and it will be the same on the days when there will be no homework. You may give learning or reading exercises to them when they have no or less homework. Sticking to a study schedule at home is pertinent.

2.      Routine:

Study schedule at home is pertinent. As we discussed in the above point that setting a study routine is pertinent because we are creatures of habit. A fixed schedule for study at home will assist your little one to get it as their habits. This is the time when they can make good habits. Reading and studying in regular habits is a good way to give boosts to their academics. When they sit at the same table, same time of the day, and is consistent with it, they get mentally prepared for it, and slowly it becomes their habit, explains a veteran teacher in one of the top seniorsecondary schools in Dwarka, Delhi. Also, it is good for concentration building. It makes them becomes more planned and sorted for life.

3.        Learning style: 

It is important to understand your child’s learning style, whether they are vocal, or learn by doing or by writing. Also, understanding their attention span and subject preference in order to effectively manage the study time at home and make the most out of it. Every child is different and so does their learning behavior. So it is important to work their way around when it comes to studying. Make them work on the most difficult subjects when their attention span is high and reading or other easier subjects later, advice one of the senior teachers at best schools in Dwarka, Delhi.

4.      Funtime:

Make study-time fun. Deepen your bond with your child by making study time fun. Make it creative and come up with better ideas and rewards. Put inspirational posters and colorful stationery to make their study area and mediums even better. This will not only boost their mood but will make it interesting for them to pursue. Show them motivational videos; help your child with sorting out their problems in academics with multimedia. There are gazillion videos and apps to help them in trouble on the internet. Help them with academics creatively, explains a child expert at one of the senior secondary schools in Dwarka, Delhi.

5.      Be mindful:

 It is pertinent to help your child with studies. However, we need to understand how much to help them. We cannot simply assist them in doing their assignments. We can only support them by clarifying the concepts or supplying additional reference material. Do not go overboard by helping them with their homework. Do not cripple their intelligence by making things easy for them instead encourage them to recollect ideas and concepts and remind them how intelligent they are, explains a child expert and consultant at one of the best schools in Dwarka, Delhi.

Homework time is the most detested part of the day for most children. It is our responsibility, as parents, to make it interesting for them. It is our duty to make them understand that study-time at home is extremely useful to prepare for bright academic future. Hence, get creative; make your bond strong with your child. Make study time fun, interesting, and rewarding for them. All the best!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Getting Your Child Emotionally Ready to Go Back to School after Vacations – 5 Tips

As winter vacation is just around the corner, most of us have already planned for Christmas and New Year holidays, family gatherings, events, and fun times. In the midst of festivities, we often forget about how to prepare our children to head back to school after the vacations are over, explains top faculty at popular schools in Delhi. As for children, after spending a busy, fun-filled winter break, it is difficult to go back to school. School is not just a center of learning for them; however, it is also a place to socialize and recreate, as advised by faculty in good schools in Delhi. Some of the children might take going back to school after a long break quite exciting and adventurous, while for some it is filled with worry and anxiety. It arises from fear of change and as human beings; we don’t always welcome a change in our lives as it affects our comfort zone.

Let us find few ways to tackle such reluctant and anxious child and prepare them emotionally for this change of going back to school in a joyous and cheerful way:


Speak to your child in a happy and optimistic way about going back to school. Show your enthusiasm and excitement for going back to work after long winter break. Tell them how interesting it would be to go to school and meet friends, teachers, and others at the school. Tell them that it would be wonderful to tell them about your vacation stories. This kind of optimistic and happy thoughts would definitely drive their interests to join school after a break. If they show concerns and fear, address those doubts rather than ignoring, explain veteran teachers of top schools in Delhi.


Few days before the re-opening of the school, try to re-establish the regular bedtime, reading, learning and playtime routines that were overlooked during the course of winter vacations. Restoring the old routine takes time; hence, it is beneficial to try to re-establish it few days in advance, so that it becomes a habit again for your kids. Tell them that as a family you would be restoring the old rules and everyone should abide by them, suggest teachers at many good schools in Delhi.


Start making home study schedules again. During the vacations, children often forget about their studies and routines and after staying away from the books concentrating again and getting back to studies is difficult. It is often advised by many teachers at good schools in Delhi that children should stick to their home study schedule at a lighter mode; however, it is difficult to maintain the same. Try to overcome this problem by re-establishing their study routines a few days prior to the end of vacations. Make them read books that they love and make them do certain writing exercises and mathematical problems to rekindle their confidence and interest in studies.


Get their bags filled with items they need to take to school. Starting from gifts for their friends to stationary items, uniform, shoes get them whatever they need. Kids grow up fast during vacations and with the new season, they might require new blazers, bags, water bottles and other inventories and shoes often, advice veteran teachers in many good schools in Delhi. It is always better to buy these items beforehand and not wait until the last day. Involve your kids in this shopping; tell them to make a list of items that they think might require. This will prepare them and might raise their spirits to go to schools and try our new items. 


Accompany your kid all the way to their classrooms on the very first day of their school, suggest many teachers in top schools in Delhi. If possible walk through the corridor and talk to their teachers and fellow students. This will make your child feel at ease and give them assurance that they would be just fine.
Some children are innately extroverts and wait to rejoin the school and meet friends; however, major issues arise with mostly shy children and introverts. Address their inner feeling with a positive outlook. Educate them the importance of learning, schooling, and making friends. Remember it is normal for children to feel a little anxious on the first day of the school; however, these feelings will disappear by the end of the first day. All the best!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

4 Easy Alternatives to Saying "No" to Children

Our are children getting so much attuned to listening to ‘No’ from us that it has lost its significance? The issue with young children is that they are too innocent to judge is the significance of the situation when you say ‘no’ to something which is unsafe for them. Sometimes, it is extremely difficult not to say ‘no’; however, life could really be easier for both of you if you can manage to find other ways to deal with, rather than outright saying ‘no’ to your child, says a senior psychologist in one of the top schools in Noida, Delhi NCR. 
Let us find out ways to say or tackle situations instead of simply saying ‘no’ to your ward, as recommended by senior teachers and psychologist at a CBSE schools in Noida, Delhi NCR: 
  1. Staying positive is pertinent: 
Every time you are tempted to say no for trivial matters, rephrase it in a statement, offering them other options, instead of focussing on what they can’t have or do, says a senior faculty at one of the renowned CBSE schools in Noida. Give them alternatives instead of suspending them. You need to be mindful that this approach might not work later when you want them to stop doing something urgently, which is more dangerous for them. However, it is only possible when you are in a strong and positive mental state.  
  1. Offer other options to them: 
Young children want to be independent and in control. So, you need to keep them in mind that they do not become stubborn and ill-mannered. Rather than refusing to something, offer them with other choices, when they insist on something, advise senior faculty members at a renowed school in Noida. For example, if they ask for chocolates too much, offer them with choices between apples and grapes or other fruits. 
  1. Quick distraction :
If you experience that your young kid is about to do something that he/she should not do use quick distraction with a toy or a tricky question or interesting action, explains a senior consultant at a CBSE schools in Noida, Delhi NCR. For example, say you are at a store and your kindergartener catches her eye at a shiny and fragile item, you may divert her attention by asking what she would like to have at lunch or how they should pay using a credit card or cash, etc. 
  1. Avoid temptation :
Avoid places where there are lots of things for which you might have to say ‘no’.Opt to take your kids to a safe environment that encourage them for adventures and nurture curiosity instead of places, where you know, hold stuff that might make your conversation negative with them, advise senior psychologist. Rule out all the possibility of restrictions at home by doing simple work, such as - making the house child-proof, keeping valuable and fragile items out of their reach, choose outdoor play areas and play parks fenced, etc. 

When you are tempted to say 'no' remember that it is really bad for your young child. Keep 'no’s' only for grave matters. Do not make its significance less by using it often. Use it when you really need to say it. On these times, make it clear that you are serious, with conviction, straight up front. Rest can be tackled with little presence of mind. All the best!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Childhood overweight on the rise- tips for parents to overcome it

 I have always been a fat child and I still   blame it on my genes- “its hereditary you see”. But today you look around and in general children across are overweight. Recently Mrs. Iyer owner and centre head of a renowned playschool in South Delhi shared a newspaper article confirming that the number of   children with weight concerns has continued to rise over the past two decades.

Research shows that children become overweight for a variety of reasons. Yes genetic and medical reasons are factors too, but the most common cause (and something that we parents should worry about) is lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating patterns, or a combination of these factors!
Agreed that overweight and obese children are   at higher risk for having health conditions and diseases, such as asthma, sleep apnea, bone and joint problems, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. But overweight children are at an even higher risk of being bullied and teased around by their peers’ hey are also more likely and actually do suffer from social isolation, depression, and lower self-esteem. The effects of this may take a toll into adulthood too, shared Ms. Ruchi counselor with a reputed preschool at South Delhi.

A bit alarming isn’t it? And do we as parents take this as a wakeup call?  Now the question is how can I help my overweight child? We are all aware of the probable actions to be taken. But are we present to them? Below are a few suggested tips to guide you and child through this phase.
1. You:  Okay my child is fat /overweight. As parents it is important that you don’t get overwhelmed with this fact. Be sensitive to your child's needs. Do not criticize. We may not be present to what the child is facing each day. How he/she may be coping with the mocks and jokes from classmates and peers.  Discuss with him/her on the benefits of a healthy life. Understand them too and their concerns. Children's feelings about themselves are often based on their parents' feelings about them, and if you accept your children at any weight, they will be more likely to feel good about themselves. Be supportative

2. Stay active: Today, many children spend a lot time being inactive. Ensure that physical activities become are a part of the child’s daily routine. Yes the child may be hesitant initially, but keep enrolling and encouraging him. Introduce child to a variety of activities walking, biking, dancing, badminton, football or swimming. Let him/her understand and thereafter choose what they like best. This also becomes an opportunity to meet and make new friends and socialize. Help the child understand the benefits of being physically active/ staying active. Reduce sedentary time

3. Eat healthy: Encourage healthy eating habits. Make small changes in your recipe and make his favorite dish healthier Small changes can lead. Remove the rich calorie temptations.
4. Small portions : There is ample on the table. Don’t fill the child plate all at once. Serve them a small portion and when though they may ask for more. Serving more and forcing child to finish it all leads to child gaining weight over time. Let the child understand his/her body clock. He/she is able to judge their appetite and express it too.  With small servings you are also able to introduce child to variety of food items too.

5. Screen time: Restrict   the Childs screen time.  Limit gadget accessibility and its usage. These makes the Childs life sedentary, prevents children from doing physical. Set a routine for the child, setting time for all their daily activities from sleep, playtime, homework and TV too. Routine is not regimenting their life but helping them to understand that there is a time and pattern for everything. It brings in a sense of discipline.

6.  Role model: Parents are the role model for their child. Children tend to imitate and learn from parents only. Don’t expect child to follow a disciplined life when the same is not practice or a culture at home. He /she just won’t be able to do it. Focus on and gradually change their family's physical activity and eating habits. Living healthy is good for all! Lead by example. If your children see that you are physically active and having fun, they are more likely to be active and stay active for the rest of their lives.

 “He / She look fat” is not an appropriate way to approach this concern. Probably the child needs to tone down, he may need to get active, he make need to change his /her eating habits, the child may be facing some medical concern. The best person to determine whether or not your child is overweight is your   doctor, suggested Mrs. Oberio centre head of a renowed preschool in South Delhi. Be patient and sensitive and supportive and guide your child towards a healthier life.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Courses & Competitive Exams for Class 10th Students

Students after class 10th examinations are often caught in a dilemma for next step for further studies. Their next course or study stream should be dependent on their aptitude, likes and dislikes and interests areas. While there are certain courses for which they need to take entrance exams,  for others, they can take direct admission on the basis of their class 10th marks. Most common and popular courses   after class 10th are: 
·         Science for your higher secondary if they want to go for majors in the subjects such as Physics, chemistry, biology, biotechnology, computer science, pursue BTech, etc. 
·         Commerce, if they want to pursue high studies in Business Management, Economics, CA/ CS, etc. 
·         Humanities or Arts, if they want to pursue higher studies in Creative fields or languages, explains a senior career counselor at one of the best senior secondary schools in Faridabad.
However vocational career options is also available for those  who want to take up jobs after 10th/12th class . Vocational courses, basically focus on practical knowledge which offer career opportunities right after schooling through training and development of skills. There are few popular courses such as – Jewellery Designing, fashion designing, interior designing, safety and cyber laws, fire safety, etc. Also, senior career counselors at few best schools in Faridabad explain that there are different institutions run by Government of India, private aided and local bodies who offer vocational courses too. One usually secures a  Bachelor’s Degree or Diploma after completing six semesters after Class 10th or 12th, says a career counselor at one of the top senior secondary schools inFaridabad.
Then there are other options, like ITI (Industrial Training Institute) course, polytechnic course and KVPY (Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana). Students who want to pursue a technical course at a lower cost can go one of the ITI programs. Polytechnic courses are basic engineering technical courses after 10th. There is another benefit of these courses. Students pursuing polytechnic diploma course can laterally move into the second year of technical degree (like BTech) course through a competitive exam, advised a tenured career counselor at one of the best schools in FaridabadKVPY is a National Program of Fellowship in Basic Sciences started by the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India. When one clears the entrance exam, a student can get admission into a five-year integrated master program at the Indian Institute for Science Education and Research.
Students also have the option of appearing in the Top Competitive examinations after class 10 to 12

  • National Interactive Math Olympiad (NIMO)
  • National Talent Search Examinations (NTSE)
  • SilverZone Olympiads
  • National Biotechnology Olympiad (NBO)
  • International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO)
  • National Standard Examination in Astronomy (NSEA)
  • NSEJS - National standard examination in Junior science
  • Zonal Informatics Olympiad (ZIO)
  • National Science Talent Search Examination (NSTSE)
  • International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO)
  • International Olympiad of Science (IOS)
  • National Science Olympiad (NSO)
  • National Cyber Olympiad (NCO)
  • Technothlon

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

5 Tips for Parents to Bridge the Generation Gap with Teenagers

As soon as your child enters teenage years, you start hearing the so-called ‘generation gap’ phrase a lot. As a parent of a teen, we often are involved in exchanges that leave us with a feeling of déjà vu’. The feelings start cropping up that we experienced in our teenage years with our parents, the change is that the boot is on the other foot now. Such exchanges sometimes target your bond that you share with your teenager, explains a Principal of one of the top schools in Delhi. Every generation has their own psychology, sense of style, conduct and existence, expression of emotions and ideas and so on, very often it is the different generation that gives rise to conflicts. However, it can be reduced if we agree to follow a rational agreement.
Let us find out ways to bridge with generation gap divide, as observed by teachers of top schools form the list of schools in Delhi:
  1. Open Communication: Communication is a very important ritual in every family. You should always know what going on in the life of your children and other family members. Especially, with teenagers sometimes conversation becomes arguments and you may not like the ideologies of this current teenage generation; however, let's make it a habit of not breaking the rules of politeness even if the discussion involves conflicting ideas, suggests a veteran teacher of one of the top schools in Delhi. We need to be respectful to our teenage kids in order to get the same respect from them. This also reduces the generation gap and open communications which reflects that you are open to their ideas as well and they will always talk to you freely. 
  1. Receptive: Well it is not an overnight job. Keeping an open mind always shows that we are educated and modern people who welcome different ideologies and culture. However, when it comes to our own home, we tend to control everything and make our own set of rules and values. Such an attitude will only result in bringing conflicts between you and the younger generation. So, in order to bridge this gap, we need to be receptive to what they have to say as a family culture. Accept and appreciate the   different points of view , advice a senior child psychologist at one of the top schools from the list of schools in Delhi
  1. Embrace :  Once you are open to their view embrace the changes that they bring. Accepting your teen's view as a propagator of the new generation is worthy of maintaining goodwill and harmony in your relationship, says a senior psychologist at one of the top schools in Delhi. Take time and adjust your teens perspective and accepting the small decisions that they make. It can instill great trust and self-confidence in them, that in turn, will develop their trust in you and bridge the generation gap.  

  1. Privacy: Becomes their confidante and a trusted friend. Respect their privacy and don’t intrude in their space. It is the most precious thing that you can do for your growing teenager, as they are also facing significant changes and going through a lot at this stage. So, finding a confidante and a true friend in you is most appropriate. They must realize that no matter how things go, you will be there for them supporting them, says a senior teacher at one of the top schools in Delhi.

5.  Quality time  : Spend quality time with them. Take them out on a vacation or a short road trip. This will strengthen their relationship with you. Fix a day when he/ she can spend an entire day with you. Take him/ her out for shopping and allow them to voice his/her views. Take care of their likes and dislikes; do not impose your decision on them. Get to know them better and make them see your life and respect your views as well. Show them that you are more than parents and can be trustworthy friends as well, suggests a senior teacher at top schools from the list of schools in Delhi. This will reduce the generation –gap when they actually witness that generation-gap is an illusion it is actually the uniqueness of different values and cultures. 

It is a not an overnight journey but a long mission. The generation gap does not arise due to a difference in age; it is because of ego clashes and attitude problems between the generations. The thumb rule is to be open and accept the changes in the society and evolve with it. All the best!

Friday, November 10, 2017

5 Super Surprises to Look out When Your Child Grows Up

Life is full of surprises. It is not an exception as a parent. Let’s find out few surprises that are to come along the way as our child grows and learn new things from surroundings.
  1. She is now too big for your lap 
There will be a day when you won’t be able to take your child on the lap and sit comfortably anymore, says a child expert at one of the most popular nursery school in Dwarka, Delhi. We often take our little babies on our lap to watch a film or while reading a book, etc. Then suddenly one day they grow too big for our lap. This is the time to realize that your child has grown to a toddler and ready to be more independent. This feeling is little sad but you can still cozy up in bed and have those bear hugs, etc. 
  1. He may want time alone 
Slowly your child will start playing happily alone. You may not witness your child standing outside the door waiting for you when you are inside the bathroom. The times will disappear when you would have to rush and check if everything is fine when suddenly you experience an unusual silence in the house. You will slowly have to see that your grown-up boy will go into his room and shut the door behind him. This might be a bit of heart-wrenching experience but we would have to get accustomed to it, as it is a part of their growing-up process. They need to feel independence for better development, explains a senior child psychologist at one of the top schools in Dwarka Delhi.   
  1. He teaches you
While you may not be able to remember where you put the keys and what you gave to grandma last Diwali, your boy will now take the charge of keeping the house keys safe and remind you of your stuff. Now, when you see his notebooks and lessons you may now have forgotten all about those topics from your school, explains senior faculty at one of the top schools in Dwarka, Delhi.   
  1. Insinuate you
There could be times, unfortunately when our growing child may say things that they don’t really mean. We need to be prepared for such situations when they say that they hate you. They might also retort and say how 'mean' we are or how 'embarrassing' we are. There can be other daily honesties that are hard to hear. The best way is to be prepared beforehand and keep calm and explain to them that sometimes we need to be simply kind and it’s not nice to say things that might be hurtful to others, advise a senior child psychologist at one of the top nursery school in Dwarka, Delhi. 
  1. Times of pride 
There can be times when your child will push through their childhood fear and make it through. For example, perhaps sleeping in the dark or being in the dark for long may scare them but we might witness them making through the night alone. Be prepared for such surprises, advise senior faculty of top schools in Dwarka, Delhi. 

Things change and change is the law of nature. Your clinging toddler may not always be like that. Your shy boy may become a tall football player full of exuberance and confidence. You little girl may become the most outspoken and confident of the lot. They might be totally dependent on us today but we have to prepare them for their future. Once it happens their dependency on us become less. Learn to evolve with the times. Enjoy when it is still there. Happy Parenting!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Stop a Child from Arguing

Understanding 'expression of opinion' and 'arguing' is very tricky. There is a very thin line of difference between the two. A child who knows what he/she wants and knows how to stand up for what they think is attractive; however, there is nothing sweet about a child who picks-up an argument at the drop of a hat, explain a tenured faculty member at one of the reputed schools of Noida. We all have witnessed situations where simple conversations can blow up out of proportions and turn into an argument. This can be draining, negative and disruptive for individuals and unhealthy for a family. So, the question here is how to stop your child from arguing?
Nipping the argument in the bud is not necessarily always a herculean task, says a senior counselor at one of the schools of Noida. The three things that you should strictly follow when dealing with an arguing child, as per observations made by faculty members in one of the popular and top school of Noida:
  • Be open and ready to hear them out.
  • Be understanding and open to reconsideration about a rule or decision, when you think it could be given a second thought.
  • Stick to ‘NO’ when you think is it important.
Let’s find few easy ways to put a stop to this annoying behavior:
  1. Set examples and do not argue
Be a role model. They should not experience you arguing at all. Also, make it clear and a rule that arguing will not get things done. Do not give in to their proposals if they express it in an arguing tone. Put across your point that they will never be able to get a negative into a positive if they persist on arguing, recommend many senior faculty members and expert counselors at many top schools of Noida.
  1.  Be  affirmative
  2. When you really find something annoying and want them to get that done, do not use statements such as ‘can you please put your toys away?’ or ‘can you please put the plate in the sink?’ Make more affirmative statements and be firm .Children need to follow the house rules. Ensure that they understand that it is their duty and not an obligation to behave properly, advise a senior counselor and child psychologist at one of the top schools of Noida.
  1. Do not force
Arguments happen most of the time when we expect them to do just as we want. Give your children options for doing chores that they like, ask them to do two tasks from five tasks that are required to be done. For example, ask them if they want to help you set the table for dinner or take the trash out, take the meal for the dog or your kitten or mend their room sheets, etc.
  1. Explain
Ensure that they understand that you appreciate them when they put across their point of view, while arguments are about two people constantly trying to one-up each other. So, explain them clearly the difference and tell them it is not appropriate to pick a fight over unnecessary issues, recommends a senior psychologist at one of the popular schools of Noida.
  1. Acknowledge
Children learn through rewarding and getting rewards for every good thing that they do can enhance their performance and eagerness to learn manners. Every time they behave politely or make a polite request rather than picking up an argument, appreciate them and reward them.

It is important that your child knows what’s acceptable and how to approach you or elders and make a request for a certain thing that they want and you are not obliged to give in. Educate them how to make a request and that it needs to be made in private and appropriately. Happy Parenting!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The 3 C’s - Ways to Foster Kindness among

 One of the key elements to make a caring and healthy classroom is to encourage students to show kindness and social gratitude towards each other. Faculty in best senior secondary schools in Gurgaon informed upon studying recent readings of global educational research work that students who demonstrate such behavior achieve great academic success, have more friends, and develop a better social relationship and enhanced interpersonal skills.
With the beginning of the new academic session, you may  as a teacher implement new  classroom management tactics that  would make your classroom a warm and safe place to learn, says a principal in one of the top schools in Gurgaon. The “3C’s”-  few research-based tips that you as a teacher may implement in your class to help nurture  kindness among students in  , as recommended by a senior faculty of one of the top schools in Gurgaon:

-         Communicate:

Students are more likely to show kindness and display caring attitude when they feel a sense of belongingness with other students in the class and the teacher. It is observed by senior faculty members in top schools in Gurgaon that students when they are more connected to their teachers and peers, show empathy and give healthy competition to others. Greet them every day as they enter the classroom and instill a sense of belonging. Use a warm, welcoming, and positive tone of voice. Children’s caring and kindness increase when they are a part of a sharing and caring classroom and the most important feature of such as classroom is a smiling teacher. You should model kind and caring speech to have a happy effect on students, slowly they also tend to behave like you with each other, explains a senior teacher at one of the best senior secondary school in Gurgaon.

-         Conditions :

Offering students chance to practice kindness in the class is one of the most effective ways to promote pro-social behavior in students. Give them situations and chances to help each other For example, make them work in a cooperative environment or in groups. Give them tasks that would require interacting and assist each other, and make sure everyone is scored on the basis of group performance and not individual performance, advice senior psychologist in one of the top schools in Gurgaon.

-           Cue

Many researchers explain that even a subtle image of two people looking and interacting with each other, who are from different race and community, develop a sense of belongingness and also encourage kindness among students. Hang posters in classrooms  of people interacting and helping each other . These are visual cues that prove to be very beneficial which make students believe that this is the kind of culture that you expect out of them and slowly they value and maintain this behavior even outside the classroom, explains veteran teachers at one of the best senior secondary school in Gurgaon.

Develop a feeling of belongingness in your classroom to encourage kindness and caring behavior among your students. Try it yourself and find the difference. All the best!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Teach your child to be respectful

Let’s be realistic here, if you ask kids to leave the playpark you are unlikely to get a respectful response from them. So being realistic about the kind of responses you get, most of the time, is essential before you start teaching them to manage their emotions, says a child psychologist at one of the best schools in Delhi. Teaching children to manage their emotions is a long process; however, the process should start early, says a veteran teacher at one of the top schools in Delhi.
One of the ways is to set a good example as your child looks to you (parents and teachers) to imbibe traits. Let us see more tips and ways to teach a child to be respectful:

1.   Be their role model 

One of the best ways is to be a role model for the kids to watch and learn. Behave in the way you would want to be treated. Treat them with respect and listen to them without interruptions and make them believe that you are most interested in listening to them.   Don’t forget to treat others in the most kind and considerate manner. Your child watches and learns from you, recommends a senior faculty and psychologist at one of the best schools in Delhi.

2. The golden words

We all remember the “Golden Words”. Good manners are shown through little gestures and simple words such as ‘sorry’, ‘please’, ‘thank you’, etc.   Set a good example by saying these words to them whenever they do something for you.  Make it a culture  to treat everyone respectfully, says a senior faculty in one of the top schools in Delhi.

3.   Acknowledge

Do not focus on their inaccurate and disrespectful behavior, instead focus on their good manners . Also, do not forget to praise their friends or peers when they behave in a certain way that impresses you, says a senior psychologist at one of the best schools in Delhi. Praising them with phrases such as ‘Good boy!’ or ‘what a nice gesture!’ or ‘Thank you for waiting for your turn…’ in the class by a teacher, is a very interesting and effective way to make them realize that it’s something that your liked and they might imbibe this quality.Never give a big reaction to a disrespectful or bad behavior, otherwise they might indulge in the same the next time they want your attention, says senior psychologist and counselor at a top school in Delhi.  Instead of reacting to them, it is advisable to take your child to a quite place and educate them about the right way and the wrong way that too politely but show your scorn. Educate them with proper verbatim such as, “Dad/Mom, please can you play with me now?”

4. Be realistic 

It is important to keep in mind all the time that it’s natural for your child to test your boundaries sometimes. When you are not prepared or realistic you may feel frustrated. Remember a child can disagree with you, it does not always mean that they are simply being rude. Don’t expect them to be polite and kind all the time; however, its upto you to educate them how to put across their scorn in a positive and well-mannered way.

 Discuss any situation with the child their behavior when you both are in a clear state of mind and calm situation. You also need to acknowledge their feelings first and then only you can teach them the proper way. Be consistent with what you teach them and make sure you remind them every time they forget. All the best!