Thursday, April 19, 2018

5 Things to Do When Your Child Uses Offensive Language

When our little toddlers utter angry words without understanding them it sounds cute but when they reach ages 8-9 and continues to use foul/offensive  language  it is a matter of concern for parents. Many parents face such issues.  We never want our children to engage in such behavior. We need to understand that if a young child uses expletives he/ she might just be repeating what he has seen or heard around them and they are usually exposed to their own family and friend or audio/video media, says a veteran teacher at one of the best schools in Noida.

Children usually tend to imitate what they hear and see around them.  As parents, we must know that children do not remember the implications or meaning of such words and simply repeats it, so we need to take charge. Here are few tips for parents to use in such scenario, as advised by best teachers from the list of schools in Noida:

Stop reinforcement:

When we hear our children stating something foul, we tend to correct them right there and then, which sometimes draw their attention to the language and they might learn that by using the foul language they can easily get your attention. The best way is to completely ignore it and use other tactics later to correct them, say a child psychologist at one of the best schools in Noida.

Remain calm:

It is always wiser to correct them by remaining calm and not putting extra emphasis on the choice of words. Always maintain a neutral tone. It is important that we do not draw excessive attention to them and continue being a positive role model for our children, says a child expert from one of the best school from the list of schools in Noida.

Apology is pointless:

Never push your child to make an apology to somebody whom they have insulted or been rude to using foul language. This strategy is not effective as they don’t understand the idea of empathy. Instead we can pose questions that might get them to thinking, such as how would they feel if someone call them an idiot or giving assurance that you understand that they are angry with them but instead of using foul language advice them to find out better way to communicate their anger, advice a senior child psychologist at one of the best schools in Noida.

Role model:

Children are most likely to imitate us and repeat whatever they see us doing or speaking, make sure they see the behavior that we expect out of them. Most people take care of the language that they use in front of the children but we still sometimes end-up cursing and swearing, whenever you are caught using such a language in front of them acknowledge that you have used unacceptable language and it is hurtful and you could have used appropriate words. Also, it is important that every member of the family must follow the house rules, advice a veteran teacher at one of the good schools from the list of schools in Noida.


Appreciating them whenever they use positive phrases and show their best behavior, is always encouraging, says a senior teacher at one of the best schools in Noida. This reinforces good behavior in them and this might encourage the right behavior for various settings.

It is our primary responsibility to carve out a well-mannered and disciplined child. Young children are influenced easily by the culture and practices happening in their vicinity. It is our responsibility to guide them through every step. All the best!

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