Tuesday, December 5, 2017

4 Easy Alternatives to Saying "No" to Children

Our are children getting so much attuned to listening to ‘No’ from us that it has lost its significance? The issue with young children is that they are too innocent to judge is the significance of the situation when you say ‘no’ to something which is unsafe for them. Sometimes, it is extremely difficult not to say ‘no’; however, life could really be easier for both of you if you can manage to find other ways to deal with, rather than outright saying ‘no’ to your child, says a senior psychologist in one of the top schools in Noida, Delhi NCR. 
Let us find out ways to say or tackle situations instead of simply saying ‘no’ to your ward, as recommended by senior teachers and psychologist at a CBSE schools in Noida, Delhi NCR: 
  1. Staying positive is pertinent: 
Every time you are tempted to say no for trivial matters, rephrase it in a statement, offering them other options, instead of focussing on what they can’t have or do, says a senior faculty at one of the renowned CBSE schools in Noida. Give them alternatives instead of suspending them. You need to be mindful that this approach might not work later when you want them to stop doing something urgently, which is more dangerous for them. However, it is only possible when you are in a strong and positive mental state.  
  1. Offer other options to them: 
Young children want to be independent and in control. So, you need to keep them in mind that they do not become stubborn and ill-mannered. Rather than refusing to something, offer them with other choices, when they insist on something, advise senior faculty members at a renowed school in Noida. For example, if they ask for chocolates too much, offer them with choices between apples and grapes or other fruits. 
  1. Quick distraction :
If you experience that your young kid is about to do something that he/she should not do use quick distraction with a toy or a tricky question or interesting action, explains a senior consultant at a CBSE schools in Noida, Delhi NCR. For example, say you are at a store and your kindergartener catches her eye at a shiny and fragile item, you may divert her attention by asking what she would like to have at lunch or how they should pay using a credit card or cash, etc. 
  1. Avoid temptation :
Avoid places where there are lots of things for which you might have to say ‘no’.Opt to take your kids to a safe environment that encourage them for adventures and nurture curiosity instead of places, where you know, hold stuff that might make your conversation negative with them, advise senior psychologist. Rule out all the possibility of restrictions at home by doing simple work, such as - making the house child-proof, keeping valuable and fragile items out of their reach, choose outdoor play areas and play parks fenced, etc. 

When you are tempted to say 'no' remember that it is really bad for your young child. Keep 'no’s' only for grave matters. Do not make its significance less by using it often. Use it when you really need to say it. On these times, make it clear that you are serious, with conviction, straight up front. Rest can be tackled with little presence of mind. All the best!

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