Tuesday, January 23, 2018

How to deal with your child’s biting habit

“Your child has bitten another girl today at class.” A common and regular complaint that parents of toddlers are often faced with. It does get embracing and our immediate reaction is to discipline the child at that very moment. But have we ever wondered why they end up doing so?

Biting is a normal part of childhood development, explained Mrs. Rana child psychologist and consultant with top playschools in North Delhi. Children bite for many various reasons, from teething ,not so developed language skills, feeling overwhelmed, to seek attention , need for activity or simply to provoke . They probably do not understand the gravity of their act. It’s a phase and they eventually outgrow, shared Mr. Nair grandfather to a 3year old studying at renowned preschool in North Delhi.

Knowing these reasons does come handy to anticipate situations, however not all situations can be anticipated. Here are a few suggested tips from experts to help parents and children during this phase:

1. Language skills – Help your child to put their feelings in words. Support them to develop their language skills. Talk to the child continuously. Put his actions/expressions into words and share with him. Confirm your words with them. This not just helps you to understand the child in turn he /she are able to grasp to the words that expressed his /her action. Repeat these words with them. Don’t speak in big sentences. Let them be small and crisp. Gradually go on to bigger sentences. 

2. Time: Give your child enough of your time throughout the day. Read, play or just talk.  Mind distracted and they won’t bite in order to seek your attention. The child feels loved and secured. The child needs to be moved on to other activities. It will be a good idea to ask the child whether he wants to play or draw, thus helping him make a choice and be in control. Find ways to keep the child busy and distracted. 

3.Avoid:  Ensure that the child is not hungry and has had a sound sleep too. Avoid situations in which your child can get irritable enough to bite.  If your baby is teething, carry the teething ring. Always carry their favourite snack. They act as a distraction too. In case you notice the child is getting tired, don’t force them to stay awake. Cuddle him/her in your arms. It would surely calm the child.

4.Sharing: All children are possessive. The sense of ownership, “its mine” is very strong. As parents it’s important to teach the child the important lesson of sharing. The habit of sharing, waiting for ones turns needs to be inculcated in the child.

5. Arm your child: The child doesn’t understand the word anger. He / she are equally confused when they display this emotion. Help the child deal with this emotion. Have your own secret way to release this emotion    in a constructive manner. Jumping up and down, doodling, running- you could suggest appropriate ways to the child to release his anger.  There is nothing wrong in being angry, but under why is he/she facing this emotion and try to channelize it in the right way. 

6.You: As important it is to control the child, you too as a parent need to control your  feelings. It is frustrating, however the most important thing to do is to keep your own feelings in check. Be calm .Its difficult we can understand but it is never a good idea to respond in your own disturbed state. Rebuking thee child is not a good idea. Physical punishment is an absolute no. But you need to tell them that it hurts when bitten. “No biting, biting hurts “ said in a firm tone will help pass a clear message to the child and will be far more effective than having long conversations about the effects of biting, explained Ms.Puja who encounters many such incidence in her day care centre and playschool at North Delhi. Mrs. Iyer educationist shared commonly few parents believe that if your child bites you, bite your child back. This isn't good advice. Children learn by imitation, so the child feels it’s an acceptable behavior and may continue to do it again.

Biting is a common behavior among children younger than 3 years of age. The good news is that most children give up this habit thereafter. The trick till such time is being calm and patient.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Aptly Nuture your gifted Child – Interesting tips from Experts

A gifted child is one who has been blessed with special abilities or a particular talent which is way ahead and way developed than regular, same-aged children. This special ability could be in any area, such as arithmetic, memory power, mental abilities, high IQ than normal child of their age, etc. We parents, tend to feel proud when our child is graded as ‘gifted’. However, child experts in one of best Schools Noida highlight the significance of nurturing aptly such as child.

Here are few interesting tips that can help parents assist and encourage a gifted child:

  1. Treat them as per their age:
A child is a child no matter how gifted he/she is. Treat them equally as other siblings. These children could be gifted in arithmetic values and may understand fraction in upper kindergarten but it does not make them more mature and not whine or crib for an ice-cream. Don’t think that they are not like the same children of their age group. Treat them and discipline them in the same manner, advice child expert, and consultant in one of the CBSE Schools in Noida. 
  1. Answer logically:
These gifted children are curious souls, as explained by a tenured child psychologist at one of the best Schools Noida. Gifted children ask you more questions than others. Most children are curious by nature and these children will ask you question that you might not be able to answer. It is advisable to answer them at length and correctly without being creative. If in case, you do not know the answer, simple satisfy them by telling her/him that you will get back to them upon confirming. 
  1. Their patience:
As suggested by tenured faculty and child psychologist on one of the most popular CBSE Schools in Noida that gifted children are often ahead of their peers. They grasp the topics and concepts easily and perform way better than the rest. Such children find it frustrating when asked to work in a team, they feel isolated and irritated without understanding why others can’t keep up to their pace and understanding levels. Here, we need to explain to them that everyone is unique and blessed with various abilities. They need to have patience and adjust with the surroundings. 
  1. Do not burden them:
Curb the tendency of overloading them with every occurring opportunity thinking that they are gifted and can handle the pressure, advice a veteran teacher at one of the CBSE Schools in Noida. Making them pursue every hobby or activity will burn them out and they might not be able to give their full potential to their interest area. Ensure that they have recreational time to watch TV, cartoons, play and read or just do anything that they like. 
  1. It’s okay to lose:
By nature, gifted children are perfectionists, and that makes them winners often. They hence set their bar quite high and have a tendency to take it for granted. As a consequence, they are bad losers. It is hence mandatory for parents to make them understand that it is okay to lose sometimes and losing is stepping stones to success and betterment, as guided by a veteran teacher and child psychologists at one of the best Schools Noida.

Remember a gifted child also needs the same kind of treatment as other children. They need to be disciplined and imparted with values like others. It is our responsibility as parents to set the same rules for them, impart discipline, responsibility, instill gratitude, and make them good human beings. All the best!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Raising an independent learner – Do’s and Don’ts

There is a time when your child wants to be independent and autonomous at everything that they perform. This is the time when you can tap into this innate quality and encourage them to be independent learners as well. Owing to the many benefits of being an autonomous or independent learner, it is considered as the most sought-after skill that helps your child to flourish in many areas, such as education, finances, and other fields, advice a principal at one of the top schools in Gurgaon

Being an independent learner begets many rewards to your child starting from thinking individually, it develops better self-concept, making unconventional discoveries to being a great researcher, employee and living a happy, and fearless life, explains a senior teacher in one of the schools from the list of best schools in Gurgaon.

Self-learning is also a boon for their future besides being an asset in their everyday life. There are indeed initial hesitations of letting go of them on their own; however, soon it will fade away. The younger your child is the easier it will be for them to overcome these initials glitches.
These are certain ‘Do’s and Don'ts’ to guide you in order to assist your child becoming an independent learner, as advised by veterans and child psychologists from top schools in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR:

1. Give them options when it comes to study and let them prioritize the order of the subject to be studied. Don’t be too strict with the timetable. Work together with them to prepare the timetable, advice one of the most senior faculty at one of the top schools in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR.

2. Always prepare the schedule in collaboration with them. Make them see you and learn how to allocate time to fit everything in a day’s schedule.

3. Begin with small projects and divide the work with them to manage on their own and make them learn the ropes, advice faculties of top school form the list of best schools in Gurgaon.

4. Curiosity drive learning, so do not turn their questions down.Let them ask as many questions as they want; however, make them find out the answers on their own. Do not give away the answers to everything they ask, explains a teacher and a child psychologist at one of the top schools in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR.

5. Never underestimate or limit their strategies or planning in any manner, recommends a child psychologist of one of the top schools from the list of best schools in Gurgaon.

6. Let them make mistakes and learn from it. You may advise them and direct them; however, let them take their own decisions, appreciate their courage and curiosity regardless of how trivial the task is, explains a child psychologist at one of the top schools in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR.

7. Increase the level of their responsibility gradually and make them realize the importance of their decisions and its consequences. It will make them realize their true potential and keep them on their toes.

8. Make them invent their own ways to study or do activities and be creative. Do not restrict them to bookish and conventional ways only. Appreciate them for their inventiveness, explains a child psychologist at one of the top schools in Gurgaon, Delhi, NCR. 

It is important to analyze and recognize the individual capabilities and pace of learning of every child. It is important that you as a parent inspect their work at the end of the day, and keep a close watch during the process. In such manner, you may be able to judge if he/she has become an independent learner or need more guidance. Your help is invaluable for their bright future. All the best!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Interesting Ways How You Can Keep Your Child Away from TELEVISION

Spending hours in front of television may not be very productive for children and definitely curtail their creativity. Keeping your child away, Is one of the most difficult jobs as a parent. Screens are everywhere around us and keeping them at bay considering the choices available to them, is extremely overwhelming, says a senior faculty at one of the good schools among top 10 schools in Sonipat. We are not unaware of the fact that viewing the screen, continuously may result into obesity-related issues in children and other psychological issues signify a senior child psychologist at one of the best schools form the list of schools inSonipat.

However watching television is not all that bad if used productively and properly managed/monitored by parents. It does help kids develop their knowledge of the world, current affairs and things that may take a lot of patience and time when studied from books, suggests a Principal in one of the best schools among top 10 schools in Sonipat.
So, we as parents need to find a timetable or need better management of their screen time. Let us find few interesting ways you can keep regulate your child’s screen schedule:

 It is important to regulate their screen time.  Set limit! It is needed to sit with your child and ask for their preferences and then schedules a timetable to set their television watching time and program. Sitting late nights in front of the television should be at your discretion. However, on weekends you can be little generous.


 It is required to set rules on their watching programs. It is you who need to decide which program they can watch and which they are barred from watching too much. For deciding that, you may review a program or a movie to understand whether it can be watched with the kids or not.


Not always you can keep a check on them, so it is important that you impart the right values in them and make them understand the negatives and positives. Always, keep your promises and follow what you preach to your kids.


The more time your child spends indoors, the more they are likely to sit in front of the screen. Take them out for hiking, cycling, or small walks at the park, etc. Hobbies are one of the most productive and creative ways of spending free time. Get your child take-up a hobby class after school to be engaged in a positive an inventive activity.
Everything is good in moderation and we must live by that. This applies to watching television too. Neither is it  practical to cut down your child’s screen time completely; however, one can always manage and strategize their screen time.

All the best!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

4 Fabulous Tips to Enhance Your Child's Listening Skills

Children often have a little attention span and are very fond of speaking than listening to others. They like to blabber all day long and not let you speak. However, when your child finds it difficult to pay attention when someone’s speak to him/her, it is something to worry about, says a senior faculty at one of the top schools inHisar. Like all other skills, honing listening skills is also an integral part of their overall developmental process. It is the listening ability that will determine their ability to communicate effectively later in life. Hence, it is absolutely necessary to develop children’s listening skills and hone their ability to pay attention for all the possible reasons, like basic comprehension, focused listening, critical listening, empathetic understanding etc., advice one of the veteran teachers at one of the best schools in Hisar.

Here are few tips to enable parents to enhance children's listening skills:

1.    Storytelling:

Nothing is more creative and interesting to improve your child’s attention and focus than listening to stories, says a senior literature faculty at one of the top schools in Hisar. You may make it a habit to read fictional stories to your kids regularly. To make them be attentive, you can also put up a quiz or ask frequent questions to them about names of the characters, plot summary or other engaging questions to increase their attentiveness.

2.      Involve:

Talk to them and have meaningful conversations. When you involve them in meaningful conversations there is a chance of improving their listening skills. They cannot be daydreaming or think about something else when you are having a one-on-one session with your kids. In this digital era having a face-to-face actual communication is pertinent. So, keep those gadgets at bay for some time and involve kids in family interactions, say a senior faculty at one of the best school in Hisar. You can ask them random questions, such as how was their day at school or share with you interesting incidents of the day. You may also include some of the interesting happenings from your day at work. This will keep them engaged in the conversation and at the same time, they won’t take it as boring lectures and lengthy uninteresting discussions at the dinner table.

3.      Engage:

There are myriad of indoor games that you may play with them, such as board games, cookery, and other party games. These games have instructions and they would have to listen to the instructions carefully to play, advice a veteran teacher of one of the top schools in Hisar. When integrating development of listening skills these real-life scenarios with the element of fun will definitely excite them and hone their listening skills. Do not miss the sing-along and karaoke games.

4.        Listen:

Be attentive to what they have to say if you want the same kind of attention from them, says a Principal of one of the best schools in Hisar. If your child is addressing you and you are not listening to them and involved in phone or other office work then they will take it as a regular behavior to avoid someone while working. You have to keep in mind that every skill that you teach them needs to begin with you. You have to demonstrate each skill that you teach. Be an active listener. If you do not have time to deal with it at that very moment then let them know and acknowledge them and tell them that you will be there to listen to their issues in a while.

It is pertinent that you focus on informing them about the importance of listening to others carefully. Learning it as a skill is absolutely mandatory for leading a happy life and successful career. Educate them that active listening is a skill that is indispensable for a successful life. Happy parenting!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Are you looking for the best preschool in Punjabi Bagh for your kid?

There are many playschools running in the race of becoming the best preschool in Punjabi Bagh but it requires the perfect synchronization of a lot of vital components. These important aspects that can help you in taking an informed decision are as follows:

First thing first: The teachers have to be child psychology experts

Teachers are the real life heroes of small children and they are affected by their words to a great deal. This is why you must assess the qualities of the teachers in the preschool. The qualification of teachers has to do a lot with their skills and mindsets in the process of influencing and transforming young minds. A prominent step towards is to inform about the qualification, skills and experience of the teachers. Feel free to decide the best preschool in Punjabi Bagh after only inquiring about the teachers because if it is a quality playschool, it will have quality teachers for its students. Once you are satisfied with what you observe, you will most certainly be all set to make your decision.

Goodwill displays the performance of the playschool

Like there cannot be smoke without fire, it is impossible to make goodwill in the industry without delivering the most advantageous performance. The most reliable way to judge the best preschool in Punjabi Bagh is assessing its brand reputation. A welcoming and friendly environment is the first quality of a good playschool. The best way to do this is stopping during afternoon pickups at a prospect playschool and asking the parents about their valuable inputs regarding the organization. You can also observe the children coming out of their playschool premises to trust your own first impressions.

Little children are impressionable and so should be their curriculum

There are many playschools that try to impress the parents with their heavy prospectus printouts and fancy curriculums. But you must understand that a toddler cannot be able to grasp such big concepts and certainly not in a theoretical way. An inspiring curriculum is a prerequisite for the best preschool in Punjabi Bagh as the whole year of your child depends on that. The best way children learn something according to a stimulating curriculum is reading aloud, introducing interesting activities and playful competitions. There are some playschools which feature heavy syllabus that is next to impossible for children to adapt with at such a tender age. The syllabus should rather be light and designed keeping in mind the capabilities of toddlers so that they can gain the maximum from it.

There should be a loving environment

All parents are concerned about their wards while sending them away from their protective homes regularly to a big, alien organization. They have to be reassured that the playschool is only a home away from home for their little darlings. Therefore the best preschool in Punjabi Bagh must have a loving and nurturing environment for its students, where they can blossom and their lives can be touched and transformed for better.

Balance between freedom and discipline

Does not matter how much we expect from little children but the fact that they are designed to walk baby steps at this age should never be ignored. One must understand that like big formal schools, playschools cannot have well-designated school periods and subjects for their students. Rather they should pay importance to an observational learning environment, where the dose of knowledge is mixed with fun to make the little learners grasp things in a playful manner.

According to all the above mentioned points, Mother’s Pride emerges as the best preschool in Punjabi Bagh. Widely trusted by hundreds of parents across the country, this impeccable institution is packed with the zeal to touch and transform the life of young ones.