Thursday, January 18, 2018

Aptly Nuture your gifted Child – Interesting tips from Experts

A gifted child is one who has been blessed with special abilities or a particular talent which is way ahead and way developed than regular, same-aged children. This special ability could be in any area, such as arithmetic, memory power, mental abilities, high IQ than normal child of their age, etc. We parents, tend to feel proud when our child is graded as ‘gifted’. However, child experts in one of best Schools Noida highlight the significance of nurturing aptly such as child.

Here are few interesting tips that can help parents assist and encourage a gifted child:

  1. Treat them as per their age:
A child is a child no matter how gifted he/she is. Treat them equally as other siblings. These children could be gifted in arithmetic values and may understand fraction in upper kindergarten but it does not make them more mature and not whine or crib for an ice-cream. Don’t think that they are not like the same children of their age group. Treat them and discipline them in the same manner, advice child expert, and consultant in one of the CBSE Schools in Noida. 
  1. Answer logically:
These gifted children are curious souls, as explained by a tenured child psychologist at one of the best Schools Noida. Gifted children ask you more questions than others. Most children are curious by nature and these children will ask you question that you might not be able to answer. It is advisable to answer them at length and correctly without being creative. If in case, you do not know the answer, simple satisfy them by telling her/him that you will get back to them upon confirming. 
  1. Their patience:
As suggested by tenured faculty and child psychologist on one of the most popular CBSE Schools in Noida that gifted children are often ahead of their peers. They grasp the topics and concepts easily and perform way better than the rest. Such children find it frustrating when asked to work in a team, they feel isolated and irritated without understanding why others can’t keep up to their pace and understanding levels. Here, we need to explain to them that everyone is unique and blessed with various abilities. They need to have patience and adjust with the surroundings. 
  1. Do not burden them:
Curb the tendency of overloading them with every occurring opportunity thinking that they are gifted and can handle the pressure, advice a veteran teacher at one of the CBSE Schools in Noida. Making them pursue every hobby or activity will burn them out and they might not be able to give their full potential to their interest area. Ensure that they have recreational time to watch TV, cartoons, play and read or just do anything that they like. 
  1. It’s okay to lose:
By nature, gifted children are perfectionists, and that makes them winners often. They hence set their bar quite high and have a tendency to take it for granted. As a consequence, they are bad losers. It is hence mandatory for parents to make them understand that it is okay to lose sometimes and losing is stepping stones to success and betterment, as guided by a veteran teacher and child psychologists at one of the best Schools Noida.

Remember a gifted child also needs the same kind of treatment as other children. They need to be disciplined and imparted with values like others. It is our responsibility as parents to set the same rules for them, impart discipline, responsibility, instill gratitude, and make them good human beings. All the best!

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