Friday, January 12, 2018

Interesting Ways How You Can Keep Your Child Away from TELEVISION

Spending hours in front of television may not be very productive for children and definitely curtail their creativity. Keeping your child away, Is one of the most difficult jobs as a parent. Screens are everywhere around us and keeping them at bay considering the choices available to them, is extremely overwhelming, says a senior faculty at one of the good schools among top 10 schools in Sonipat. We are not unaware of the fact that viewing the screen, continuously may result into obesity-related issues in children and other psychological issues signify a senior child psychologist at one of the best schools form the list of schools inSonipat.

However watching television is not all that bad if used productively and properly managed/monitored by parents. It does help kids develop their knowledge of the world, current affairs and things that may take a lot of patience and time when studied from books, suggests a Principal in one of the best schools among top 10 schools in Sonipat.
So, we as parents need to find a timetable or need better management of their screen time. Let us find few interesting ways you can keep regulate your child’s screen schedule:

 It is important to regulate their screen time.  Set limit! It is needed to sit with your child and ask for their preferences and then schedules a timetable to set their television watching time and program. Sitting late nights in front of the television should be at your discretion. However, on weekends you can be little generous.


 It is required to set rules on their watching programs. It is you who need to decide which program they can watch and which they are barred from watching too much. For deciding that, you may review a program or a movie to understand whether it can be watched with the kids or not.


Not always you can keep a check on them, so it is important that you impart the right values in them and make them understand the negatives and positives. Always, keep your promises and follow what you preach to your kids.


The more time your child spends indoors, the more they are likely to sit in front of the screen. Take them out for hiking, cycling, or small walks at the park, etc. Hobbies are one of the most productive and creative ways of spending free time. Get your child take-up a hobby class after school to be engaged in a positive an inventive activity.
Everything is good in moderation and we must live by that. This applies to watching television too. Neither is it  practical to cut down your child’s screen time completely; however, one can always manage and strategize their screen time.

All the best!

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