Friday, November 10, 2017

5 Super Surprises to Look out When Your Child Grows Up

Life is full of surprises. It is not an exception as a parent. Let’s find out few surprises that are to come along the way as our child grows and learn new things from surroundings.
  1. She is now too big for your lap 
There will be a day when you won’t be able to take your child on the lap and sit comfortably anymore, says a child expert at one of the most popular nursery school in Dwarka, Delhi. We often take our little babies on our lap to watch a film or while reading a book, etc. Then suddenly one day they grow too big for our lap. This is the time to realize that your child has grown to a toddler and ready to be more independent. This feeling is little sad but you can still cozy up in bed and have those bear hugs, etc. 
  1. He may want time alone 
Slowly your child will start playing happily alone. You may not witness your child standing outside the door waiting for you when you are inside the bathroom. The times will disappear when you would have to rush and check if everything is fine when suddenly you experience an unusual silence in the house. You will slowly have to see that your grown-up boy will go into his room and shut the door behind him. This might be a bit of heart-wrenching experience but we would have to get accustomed to it, as it is a part of their growing-up process. They need to feel independence for better development, explains a senior child psychologist at one of the top schools in Dwarka Delhi.   
  1. He teaches you
While you may not be able to remember where you put the keys and what you gave to grandma last Diwali, your boy will now take the charge of keeping the house keys safe and remind you of your stuff. Now, when you see his notebooks and lessons you may now have forgotten all about those topics from your school, explains senior faculty at one of the top schools in Dwarka, Delhi.   
  1. Insinuate you
There could be times, unfortunately when our growing child may say things that they don’t really mean. We need to be prepared for such situations when they say that they hate you. They might also retort and say how 'mean' we are or how 'embarrassing' we are. There can be other daily honesties that are hard to hear. The best way is to be prepared beforehand and keep calm and explain to them that sometimes we need to be simply kind and it’s not nice to say things that might be hurtful to others, advise a senior child psychologist at one of the top nursery school in Dwarka, Delhi. 
  1. Times of pride 
There can be times when your child will push through their childhood fear and make it through. For example, perhaps sleeping in the dark or being in the dark for long may scare them but we might witness them making through the night alone. Be prepared for such surprises, advise senior faculty of top schools in Dwarka, Delhi. 

Things change and change is the law of nature. Your clinging toddler may not always be like that. Your shy boy may become a tall football player full of exuberance and confidence. You little girl may become the most outspoken and confident of the lot. They might be totally dependent on us today but we have to prepare them for their future. Once it happens their dependency on us become less. Learn to evolve with the times. Enjoy when it is still there. Happy Parenting!

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