Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The 3 C’s - Ways to Foster Kindness among

 One of the key elements to make a caring and healthy classroom is to encourage students to show kindness and social gratitude towards each other. Faculty in best senior secondary schools in Gurgaon informed upon studying recent readings of global educational research work that students who demonstrate such behavior achieve great academic success, have more friends, and develop a better social relationship and enhanced interpersonal skills.
With the beginning of the new academic session, you may  as a teacher implement new  classroom management tactics that  would make your classroom a warm and safe place to learn, says a principal in one of the top schools in Gurgaon. The “3C’s”-  few research-based tips that you as a teacher may implement in your class to help nurture  kindness among students in  , as recommended by a senior faculty of one of the top schools in Gurgaon:

-         Communicate:

Students are more likely to show kindness and display caring attitude when they feel a sense of belongingness with other students in the class and the teacher. It is observed by senior faculty members in top schools in Gurgaon that students when they are more connected to their teachers and peers, show empathy and give healthy competition to others. Greet them every day as they enter the classroom and instill a sense of belonging. Use a warm, welcoming, and positive tone of voice. Children’s caring and kindness increase when they are a part of a sharing and caring classroom and the most important feature of such as classroom is a smiling teacher. You should model kind and caring speech to have a happy effect on students, slowly they also tend to behave like you with each other, explains a senior teacher at one of the best senior secondary school in Gurgaon.

-         Conditions :

Offering students chance to practice kindness in the class is one of the most effective ways to promote pro-social behavior in students. Give them situations and chances to help each other For example, make them work in a cooperative environment or in groups. Give them tasks that would require interacting and assist each other, and make sure everyone is scored on the basis of group performance and not individual performance, advice senior psychologist in one of the top schools in Gurgaon.

-           Cue

Many researchers explain that even a subtle image of two people looking and interacting with each other, who are from different race and community, develop a sense of belongingness and also encourage kindness among students. Hang posters in classrooms  of people interacting and helping each other . These are visual cues that prove to be very beneficial which make students believe that this is the kind of culture that you expect out of them and slowly they value and maintain this behavior even outside the classroom, explains veteran teachers at one of the best senior secondary school in Gurgaon.

Develop a feeling of belongingness in your classroom to encourage kindness and caring behavior among your students. Try it yourself and find the difference. All the best!

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