Thursday, November 9, 2017

Stop a Child from Arguing

Understanding 'expression of opinion' and 'arguing' is very tricky. There is a very thin line of difference between the two. A child who knows what he/she wants and knows how to stand up for what they think is attractive; however, there is nothing sweet about a child who picks-up an argument at the drop of a hat, explain a tenured faculty member at one of the reputed schools of Noida. We all have witnessed situations where simple conversations can blow up out of proportions and turn into an argument. This can be draining, negative and disruptive for individuals and unhealthy for a family. So, the question here is how to stop your child from arguing?
Nipping the argument in the bud is not necessarily always a herculean task, says a senior counselor at one of the schools of Noida. The three things that you should strictly follow when dealing with an arguing child, as per observations made by faculty members in one of the popular and top school of Noida:
  • Be open and ready to hear them out.
  • Be understanding and open to reconsideration about a rule or decision, when you think it could be given a second thought.
  • Stick to ‘NO’ when you think is it important.
Let’s find few easy ways to put a stop to this annoying behavior:
  1. Set examples and do not argue
Be a role model. They should not experience you arguing at all. Also, make it clear and a rule that arguing will not get things done. Do not give in to their proposals if they express it in an arguing tone. Put across your point that they will never be able to get a negative into a positive if they persist on arguing, recommend many senior faculty members and expert counselors at many top schools of Noida.
  1.  Be  affirmative
  2. When you really find something annoying and want them to get that done, do not use statements such as ‘can you please put your toys away?’ or ‘can you please put the plate in the sink?’ Make more affirmative statements and be firm .Children need to follow the house rules. Ensure that they understand that it is their duty and not an obligation to behave properly, advise a senior counselor and child psychologist at one of the top schools of Noida.
  1. Do not force
Arguments happen most of the time when we expect them to do just as we want. Give your children options for doing chores that they like, ask them to do two tasks from five tasks that are required to be done. For example, ask them if they want to help you set the table for dinner or take the trash out, take the meal for the dog or your kitten or mend their room sheets, etc.
  1. Explain
Ensure that they understand that you appreciate them when they put across their point of view, while arguments are about two people constantly trying to one-up each other. So, explain them clearly the difference and tell them it is not appropriate to pick a fight over unnecessary issues, recommends a senior psychologist at one of the popular schools of Noida.
  1. Acknowledge
Children learn through rewarding and getting rewards for every good thing that they do can enhance their performance and eagerness to learn manners. Every time they behave politely or make a polite request rather than picking up an argument, appreciate them and reward them.

It is important that your child knows what’s acceptable and how to approach you or elders and make a request for a certain thing that they want and you are not obliged to give in. Educate them how to make a request and that it needs to be made in private and appropriately. Happy Parenting!

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