Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Teach your child to be respectful

Let’s be realistic here, if you ask kids to leave the playpark you are unlikely to get a respectful response from them. So being realistic about the kind of responses you get, most of the time, is essential before you start teaching them to manage their emotions, says a child psychologist at one of the best schools in Delhi. Teaching children to manage their emotions is a long process; however, the process should start early, says a veteran teacher at one of the top schools in Delhi.
One of the ways is to set a good example as your child looks to you (parents and teachers) to imbibe traits. Let us see more tips and ways to teach a child to be respectful:

1.   Be their role model 

One of the best ways is to be a role model for the kids to watch and learn. Behave in the way you would want to be treated. Treat them with respect and listen to them without interruptions and make them believe that you are most interested in listening to them.   Don’t forget to treat others in the most kind and considerate manner. Your child watches and learns from you, recommends a senior faculty and psychologist at one of the best schools in Delhi.

2. The golden words

We all remember the “Golden Words”. Good manners are shown through little gestures and simple words such as ‘sorry’, ‘please’, ‘thank you’, etc.   Set a good example by saying these words to them whenever they do something for you.  Make it a culture  to treat everyone respectfully, says a senior faculty in one of the top schools in Delhi.

3.   Acknowledge

Do not focus on their inaccurate and disrespectful behavior, instead focus on their good manners . Also, do not forget to praise their friends or peers when they behave in a certain way that impresses you, says a senior psychologist at one of the best schools in Delhi. Praising them with phrases such as ‘Good boy!’ or ‘what a nice gesture!’ or ‘Thank you for waiting for your turn…’ in the class by a teacher, is a very interesting and effective way to make them realize that it’s something that your liked and they might imbibe this quality.Never give a big reaction to a disrespectful or bad behavior, otherwise they might indulge in the same the next time they want your attention, says senior psychologist and counselor at a top school in Delhi.  Instead of reacting to them, it is advisable to take your child to a quite place and educate them about the right way and the wrong way that too politely but show your scorn. Educate them with proper verbatim such as, “Dad/Mom, please can you play with me now?”

4. Be realistic 

It is important to keep in mind all the time that it’s natural for your child to test your boundaries sometimes. When you are not prepared or realistic you may feel frustrated. Remember a child can disagree with you, it does not always mean that they are simply being rude. Don’t expect them to be polite and kind all the time; however, its upto you to educate them how to put across their scorn in a positive and well-mannered way.

 Discuss any situation with the child their behavior when you both are in a clear state of mind and calm situation. You also need to acknowledge their feelings first and then only you can teach them the proper way. Be consistent with what you teach them and make sure you remind them every time they forget. All the best!

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